An inspiring space for entrepreneurial and social ideas to flourish and make an impact

We see ourselves as a community catalyst, a crossroad where changemakers connect to solve problems.

Startup Week Port-au-Prince

A celebration of the entrepreneurial spirit, focusing on creating an experience for entrepreneurs, leaders, and change-makers to reimagine their personal lives, businesses, communities, and our world through design sprints, workshops, networking, and various types of inspiring, educational and entertaining events.
Libere pouvwa imajinasyon w.

Startup Week Port-au-Prince tounen.

Yon selebrasyon lespri antreprenaryal, pou pèmèt antreprenè, lidè, ak moun k ap fè chanjman reimajine lavi pèsonèl yo, biznis yo, kominote yo, ak mond nou an atravè design sprint, atelye, rezo, ak divès kalite evenman pou edike, bay plezi ak enspire.

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